пятница, 28 сентября 2012 г.

Testing results

Hi all,

It was about two year since I wrote here the previous post. This one will be not that big, unfortunately. Just on case if you are reading this blog I'd like to show that I still working on this project..

Brief overview of what I've done:

  • I've implemented multi-threaded approach and so now I have three threads in my test stuff: game layer, scene layer and OpenGL layer. I've found that in general this approach works, but I've updated it slightly. E.g. now the render and scene queues has additional semaphore to inform the caller(sender) that the inactive queue is ready to accept new data or not.
  • I've found that OpenGL has issues with rendering in multi-threaded: "OpenGL functions do not work unless an OpenGL context has been created and is active within that thread." [ http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Common_Mistakes]. So I keep all OpenGL stuff in the one separated thread.
  • ... something else may be...

So for this time I have something to show. The main thing here is that this "plane" is changeable (for now it's only cube height could be changed).



p.s. hope I will be able to spare some time and continue development.